Expecting 2020! Visit Nepal 2020
January 2, 2020 admin

So, here we are; 2020. Of all the hypes surrounding Nepal and its beauty, the distinct cultures and tradition of its own, whats really up then?
We are expecting 1-2 million people this year. So if you are among these million, then we welcome you to Kathmandu at first. Kathmandu is the only city of Nepal with International airport ( there are now some being made). So, a night in Kathmandu is highly recommended. Kathmandu might not sound as fascinating as POKHARA, CHITWAN, BARDIYA, EVEREST or ANNAPURNA but is a city of its own kind. I recommend you a night in Kathmandu cause its a must, unless you fly to pokhara or anywhere on the same day. But Kathmandu is not just the capital city of Nepal. Kathmandu has ancient history; probably older than most of the western histories. The place is still traditional and cultural. Since its a capital city, its a cross-cultural city. Many people of different ethnic, caste and religion live together in Kathmandu. Newars were the original inhabitants of Kathmandu. Its a huge book if we do deep on Newar culture; but they can make 30 different dish out of a buffalo might be interesting one to the meat lovers. Kathmandu is also called the City of Temples. Kathmandu flourished during the time of Mallas. They introduced coins and made lots of temples. They really believed in God. Lots of places to visit in Kathmandu, if you are here for “touristy purpose” then make sure to visit all the 7 unesco world heritage sites in Kathmandu. Outskirts of kathmandu is good for hikes too; since kathmandu is a valley is surrounded by hills.
I will give you brief Idea of most foreigners do in Nepal. You go to kathmandu then you stay in Hotels, You find someone who talks real smooth and you book some tour and trek with the guy or company. They give you some hotel and you have to stay. They give you guide and porters and you do what they say. So expect the same in 2020. You can solo trek or tour but you will be doing the same thing. This is the suggestion; Find a hostel (hotel for luxury); a good one. Like the one which I stayed during my time , Famous House kathmandu. Meet some people and create a group. Then ask the same hostel for one guide and share the price. Its cheap and more fun that way. So a new trend from 2020; HOSTEL.
Still doing the world famous Annapurna or Everest or Manaslu? Nepal is much more than these. There are things in Nepal which are very underrated but carries a great significance. We foreigners have been buying service and treks and tours from Nepal. This 2020, lets buy experiences. There are few companies; like this one. I walked through dolpo region. Might write a blog on the experience; which actually sells experiences. Oh yes, The Famous House hostel where I stayed gave me a good experience. We were drinking with owners and we made a plan to go to a child school nearby. All the hostel guests joined us. It was very good day out knowing all the people. Similarly, they took us to excursion. It was a place where could see doko-carvings. We made one for ourselves. They got us a bus and the owners we t with us. No charges. We split the money. One for one. So 2020, lets find experiences. There is ni point in challenging treachourous mountains unless you see experiences in it.
About the food, there is no complaint. Newari cultures and their food is probably my favourite and I have been travelling many coiuntries. The nights in Thamel is exciting with street food. Oh yes, About Thamel! Do you remember any places on the back of your city which is crowded with different faces and they try to sell you all the things from chocolate to drugs and is probably the most happeing back-alley. Thats thamel. Thats thamel with lots of accomodations. Its 90% sure that whoever comes to Nepal. Stays in Kathmandu and sleeps in Thamel. The street of Thamel and Jochhen (near by) has big story of its own. But i am nioy going to talk about it.
I wrote this blog because, Via luxury holiday treks if you are reading this then expect some minor changes in 2020 in Nepal. It sure is gonna be fun out here but about the hype lets wait for stats in 2021.