Dashain:The Principal Festivity of Hindu
October 7, 2016 admin

Dashain is a celebration praised across the country in Nepal. Dashain symbolizes the triumph of divine beings over devils and triumph of good over the fiendishness. According to Hindu belief, goddess Durga defeated the demon Maishasura and freed everyone from his malevolence. Therefore, people celebrate Dashain to honor this victory over the demon. Hindus regard goddess Durga as the goddess of power and justice.
Hindus around the world celebrate Dashain. Moreover, it holds special significance in Hinduism and is observed for 15 days. The first day of Dashain is known as ‘Ghatasthapana’. Dashain begins with planting of jamara. On this day, each family unit readies a pleasant pot known as “kalash” and spread its external part with blessed dairy animals waste and “jau” (grain). People gather immaculate sand to produce jamara from grain. For the most part, incomparable male individual from the family performs puja each morning and night and love goddess durga and the kalash. Dashain is the best celebration of Hindus. People celebrate it for fifteen days in the month of Aswin to remember Ram’s victory over Rawan. Every one of the schools, universities, government and non-government associations stay shut amid this celebration.
Dashain is the season of bliss since all classes of individual’s ranging from rich or poor praise this celebration. Individuals who are far from their home return to praise this celebration. The Dashain Festival bonds families and companions. It is a period of sharing and gifts. I am appreciative to my hosts for incorporating me in this unique festival and trust that large portions of my pursuers will come amid the Dashain Festival and utilize this custom to become more acquainted with a Nepali family better.
One of the side advantages to coming amid October/November is that the climate is still flawless. It unquestionably gets chilly amid treks, yet not all that awful yet and numerous blossoms are still in sprout. The initial nine days are called Navaratri (nine evenings). Amid nowadays, individuals revere Durga, the Goddess of force. People call the tenth day Vijaya Dashami. We call the seventh day of Dashain Saptami or Fulpati. We call the eighth and ninth days Maha Asthami and Maha Nawami. On nowadays, individuals penance goats, hens, sheep, bison, and so forth. Dashain is the national celebration of Nepal. Dashain symbolizes the triumph of divine beings over devils and triumph of good over the shrewdness.
According to Hindu belief, goddess Durga defeated a demon called “Maishasura” and freed everyone from his wrongs. Thus, people celebrate Dashain to honor this victory over the demon. Hindus consider goddess Durga the goddess of power and justice. Hindus around the world celebrate Dashain, which holds special significance in Hinduism and lasts for 15 days.
As a tourist during these festive moments you can truly enjoy the lavish Nepali Hindu Culture all over the nation. People celebrate this festival throughout Nepal, so they don’t need to hold it in a specific place. During these days, you will see many people enjoying Dashain, wearing new clothes bought specifically for the festival. You get the chance to see true Nepali culture as families gather from all over country to celebrate this festival.
Grandparents to parents to children everyone feels reluctant to enjoy this festival every year. If you walk on the streets you will surely get the sight of many people with red and some with white Tika’s on their forehead walking on the 10th day of Dashain. This truly makes your stay more pleasurable as you get close to Nepali culture and tradition. Nepal is famous mostly for its majestic Himalayas but if you come during this festive moment then surely you will agree that this festival is something extravagant that one must surely needs to see while visiting Nepal.